“Shortly after the launch of Sandra’s book, Choosing Happiness at Work, I approached her and asked her to design customized training for our department that was embarking on a period of change. Sandra met with me, listened to my needs and wants and presented our leadership team with a 6-month hybrid workshop design. Session one and eight were held in person, while the six half day sessions were experienced virtually. Based on the needs of the team, Sandra took us through a journey of self-awareness, incorporating discussions and activities around values and passions to the group. The Personality Dimensions report gave each participant a concrete resource to guide their self-awareness journey. Additional topics presented included: Emotional Intelligence, navigating change with optimism and flexibility, incorporating play and passion into work, seeing the good in each day and team awareness.
Sandra has a natural ability to connect with all participants through the personal stories and past experiences she shares. Sandra’s knowledge of the Employment Services sector earned the trust and respect of those in the room very quickly. Sandra gave time for self-reflection and sharing and also incorporated many opportunities to play into the series. Although the theme of the workshops was embracing change and choosing happiness at work, the end result was a closer, more open team. I think it was the perfect series to bring our team back together after working a computer screen away for so long! I look forward to hiring Sandra for many more training opportunities with Georgian College.”